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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Evolution of Adhesion Deterioration Between Rendering Mortar and Concrete Under Thermal Fatigue Test

Author : Peiyi Zhang

Published in: Proceedings of the 4th International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Debonding stands as the most severe form of deterioration in facade cladding systems. Accurately understanding its evolution path is paramount for effective maintenance strategies. This study examines the debonding evolution of mortar-concrete adhesion systems under thermal loading, combining periodic bond strength tests and continuous strain monitoring. Results reveal an “S-shaped” decay in degradation paths, delineated into stages of degradation, stagnation, and further degradation. Debonding progression is characterized by instability, with damage accumulating before a threshold, followed by propagating rapidly. Monitoring strain behavior captures the transition of adhesion from healthy to damage stages, with adhesion failure evident in the loss of movement followability.

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Evolution of Adhesion Deterioration Between Rendering Mortar and Concrete Under Thermal Fatigue Test
Peiyi Zhang
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore