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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Evolution of Architecture Integrated with Greenery in the Works of Marek Budzyński

Author : Joanna Aleksandra Ways

Published in: Environmental Challenges in Civil Engineering III

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The author cites her research into buildings built from the 1970s to the present day, comparing the spatial relationship between greenery and architecture, the functional relationship with technical solutions, and the symbolic and associative relationship. The 1990s saw some spectacular realizations of nature-integrated architecture: Bad Blumau by Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Fukuoka Prefectural International Hall by Emilio Ambasz, and, on Polish ground at the same time, the Supreme Court building in Warsaw and the Warsaw University Library designed by Marek Budzyński. Later projects are more mature, using technical innovations and realizing the idea of sustainable development through integration with greenery. The article is the result of an analysis of selected projects by architect and urban planner Marek Budzyński—a pioneer of ecological and landscape architecture in Poland who gradually introduced individual ideas and successive innovative solutions into his projects until the standards of today’s large cities, where designing in the spirit of sustainable development has become a necessity. Through an analysis of the integration of architecture with greenery, urban and housing estate assumptions, and public buildings, the author shows how the ideas of sustainable development evolved in practice in Poland.

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Evolution of Architecture Integrated with Greenery in the Works of Marek Budzyński
Joanna Aleksandra Ways
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