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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

2. Experiential Learning Approaches for Enhancing Development Skills: A Review of the Social Business Canvas as a Pedagogical Tool

Authors : Faiz Shah, Brian Caraway, Pathit Ongvasith, Brian McKeown, Callum Mackenzie

Published in: Technology Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Among the transformational forces shaping our world are two concurrent trends that continue to change the way we look at problems, and how we approach solutions. The first spans ubiquitous and user-friendly technologies that sync with the learning patterns and attention span of a digitally savvy generation. The second comprises a rising demand for enterprise-led solutions for problems confronting sustainable development, along with severe mobility restrictions emerging from the COVID pandemic. For educators, this dual trend combines challenges and opportunities. This chapter explores whether it is possible to re-invent traditional pedagogies, not only to overcome conventional constraints but also to chart a high-quality learning experience that balances concepts and practice to equip students with practical skills. The contributors examine the Social Business Model Canvas as a case study, to describe how trends in technology and demand for entrepreneurship education, constrained by mobility, can be adapted to meet emerging demands.

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All authors associated with the Yunus Professional Master’s (YPM) program at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. Faiz Shah, YPM Director and corresponding author, Callum Mackenzie and Pathit Ongvasit, YPM Practicum instructors, Brian Carraway and Brian McKeown, YPM Scholars.
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Experiential Learning Approaches for Enhancing Development Skills: A Review of the Social Business Canvas as a Pedagogical Tool
Faiz Shah
Brian Caraway
Pathit Ongvasith
Brian McKeown
Callum Mackenzie
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore