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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Experiment Study of Concrete by Supplanting the Aggregates with Ceramic Floor Waste

Authors : Rajesh Goyal, Sandeep Kumar Chandel

Published in: Sustainable Design and Eco Technologies for Infrastructure

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Climate and environmental change are significant problems all over the world. Today, it is sought after to make a manageable progress. Economic progress can be achieved by reexamining, reconsidering, reducing, and reusing. Because of its architecture, monetary, eco-friendly, and green restitutions, modern concrete consumes a lot of waste material (glass, plastic, slag, fly debris, and so on). As a result, repurposing waste materials in solid construction are extremely beneficial in achieving the manageability target. Waste material use will reduce the use of characteristic aggregates. Waste can help in maintaining the natural balance in this way. In the current study, creative tile squander was used as construction squander. In large-scale ventures, tile waste is a main problem. In India, tile waste, like other construction waste, is a problem to remove. This study is based on the presentation of three different cement blends with different proportions of squashed, waste tiles with a maximum size of 20 mm. Three mix used were M20, M25, and M30. Each bunch had its own blend setup. Cubes of concrete were casted with a waste replacement of 0, 7, 14, and 21% ceramic tile waste. Test was conducted on concrete, fine aggregates, and course aggregates. A total of 06 cubes were casted for each group. Experiment study shows that in the grade of the M30, there was no much effect on compressive strength when 21% alternate of ordinary 20-mm coarse aggregates with tile aggregate.

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Experiment Study of Concrete by Supplanting the Aggregates with Ceramic Floor Waste
Rajesh Goyal
Sandeep Kumar Chandel
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore