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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Experimental Studies on Brick Powder Replaced Concrete Exposed to Elevated Temperature

Authors : Ann Maria Santhosh, Abin Thomas

Published in: Proceedings of SECON'19

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Industrial waste management constitutes one of the greatest global problems of our time, especially for large cities lacking landfill. Recycling non biodegradable wastes is a challenging task, and brick wastes are classified as this kind of waste with a long decomposition period. Since brick powder has high content of silica, it is pozzolanic in nature. So it can be used as an effective replacement for cement. The concrete structures are most likely to experience elevated temperatures during their service period due to fire. Therefore, the relative properties of concrete after exposure to fire are to be studied for the serviceability of buildings and the safety of inhabitants. In this study, experimental programs are to be performed regarding the use of brick powder for replacement of cement at elevated temperature. The different specimen samples are casted. The properties of the concrete specimens including compressive strength, SEM and XRD of the concrete after being exposed to the temperatures of 200, 400 and 600 °C and prior to experiencing heat are to be investigated. The obtained results are to be compared and the changes occurred are to be studied further.

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Experimental Studies on Brick Powder Replaced Concrete Exposed to Elevated Temperature
Ann Maria Santhosh
Abin Thomas
Copyright Year