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Experimental Study and Numerical Analysis on the Progressive Collapse Resistance of SCMS

Authors: Hua Huang, Yaoqiang Xian, Kailin Xi, Boquan Liu

Published in: International Journal of Steel Structures | Issue 1/2019

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With the Spokewise Cable-Membrane Structure (SCMS) of Foshan Century Lotus Sports Center (FCLSC) as the engineering background, this study analyzes the influence of the structure’s local cable damage on its holistic resistant behavior and investigates the resistance of SCMS against progressive collapse by means of scale model tests and ANSYS finite element analysis. Results indicate that SCMS exhibits good resistance against progressive collapse. After the upper radial cables or the lower radial cables break, their borne load is passed to the connected cables. Thus the collapse can be restricted within a limited area through the deformation and stress relaxation of the adjacent cables. In the design process, the cable system is divided into a finite number of partitions, and double cables could be used at the junctions of different partitions to better control the damaged area. The inverted Y-type or the polystyle pier column should be chosen to enhance the resilience after collision or explosion.

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Experimental Study and Numerical Analysis on the Progressive Collapse Resistance of SCMS
Hua Huang
Yaoqiang Xian
Kailin Xi
Boquan Liu
Publication date
Korean Society of Steel Construction
Published in
International Journal of Steel Structures / Issue 1/2019
Print ISSN: 1598-2351
Electronic ISSN: 2093-6311

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