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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Explainability in Automatic Short Answer Grading

Authors : Tim Schlippe, Quintus Stierstorfer, Maurice ten Koppel, Paul Libbrecht

Published in: Artificial Intelligence in Education Technologies: New Development and Innovative Practices

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Massive open online courses and other online study opportunities are providing easier access to education for more and more people around the world. To cope with the large number of exams to be assessed in these courses, AI-driven automatic short answer grading can recommend teaching staff to assign points when evaluating free text answers, leading to faster and fairer grading. But what would be the best way to work with the AI? In this paper, we investigate and evaluate different methods for explainability in automatic short answer grading. Our survey of over 70 professors, lecturers and teachers with grading experience showed that displaying the predicted points together with matches between student answer and model answer is rated better than the other tested explainable AI (XAI) methods in the aspects trust, informative content, speed, consistency and fairness, fun, comprehensibility, applicability, use in exam preparation, and in general.

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Also called sample answer or sample response in literature.
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Explainability in Automatic Short Answer Grading
Tim Schlippe
Quintus Stierstorfer
Maurice ten Koppel
Paul Libbrecht
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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