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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Exploration and Application of the Blended Learning Model in the “Software Engineering” Course

Author : Mengmei Wang

Published in: Artificial Intelligence in Education Technologies: New Development and Innovative Practices

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Software Engineering is a brand-new engineering course in the application-oriented skills training program, and an essential professional skill for high-demand employment. Because of the fast growth of science and technology, many students have high expectations for this topic. Students’ excitement and expectations for this topic, however, are dwindling as a result of uninspiring texts and an antiquated teaching method. To improve the problem, this study innovates in the areas of teaching idea, teaching substance, teaching style, and assessment mode. Based on the education concept of “student-centered” and “project-driven,” three basic teaching modalities of “role-playing,” “project case teaching,” and “workshop” were chosen to optimize the teaching content and assessment procedures. The blended teaching method shifts the function of learning from passive to active, and students are liberated from the monotonous theoretical learning environment. Students have made significant progress in course scores, competitions, projects, and other areas as a result of practical instruction, and the effect is palpable.

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Exploration and Application of the Blended Learning Model in the “Software Engineering” Course
Mengmei Wang
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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