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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Exploring Pre-trained Text-to-Video Diffusion Models for Referring Video Object Segmentation

Authors : Zixin Zhu, Xuelu Feng, Dongdong Chen, Junsong Yuan, Chunming Qiao, Gang Hua

Published in: Computer Vision – ECCV 2024

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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In this paper, we explore the visual representations produced from a pre-trained text-to-video (T2V) diffusion model for video understanding tasks. We hypothesize that the latent representation learned from a pretrained generative T2V model encapsulates rich semantics and coherent temporal correspondences, thereby naturally facilitating video understanding. Our hypothesis is validated through the classic referring video object segmentation (R-VOS) task. We introduce a novel framework, termed “VD-IT”, tailored with dedicatedly designed components built upon a fixed pretrained T2V model. Specifically, VD-IT uses textual information as a conditional input, ensuring semantic consistency across time for precise temporal instance matching. It further incorporates image tokens as supplementary textual inputs, enriching the feature set to generate detailed and nuanced masks. Besides, instead of using the standard Gaussian noise, we propose to predict the video-specific noise with an extra noise prediction module, which can help preserve the feature fidelity and elevates segmentation quality. Through extensive experiments, we surprisingly observe that fixed generative T2V diffusion models, unlike commonly used video backbones (e.g., Video Swin Transformer) pretrained with discriminative image/video pre-tasks, exhibit better potential to maintain semantic alignment and temporal consistency. On existing standard benchmarks, our VD-IT achieves highly competitive results, surpassing many existing state-of-the-art methods. The code is available at https://​github.​com/​buxiangzhiren/​VD-IT.

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Exploring Pre-trained Text-to-Video Diffusion Models for Referring Video Object Segmentation
Zixin Zhu
Xuelu Feng
Dongdong Chen
Junsong Yuan
Chunming Qiao
Gang Hua
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