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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

5. Exploring the Influence of Human Capital on Environmental Degradation in Asian-Pacific Countries. The Role of Renewable Energy

Authors : Miguel Á. Tinoco, Francisco Venegas Martínez

Published in: Transition to a Safe Anthropocene in the Asia-Pacific

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Environmental damage, to which the Asia-Pacific region contributes significantly, is a major concern for humanity. In 2019, the region emitted more than 50% of the world’s CO2. We examine the influence of human capital on carbon emissions in 14 Asia-Pacific countries between 1970 and 2019, in the categories of renewable energy, primary energy, and economic growth. The methodology is based on cointegration tests, FMOLS estimations, and panel Granger causality tests. The results reveal that human capital and renewable energy stimulate environmental quality in the long run, whereas primary energy and economic growth worsen it. However, the time series analysis shows that in some countries human capital exacerbates air pollution. The heterogenous causality tests indicate that human capital causes renewable energy and economic growth. Moreover, the results support a two-way causality between renewable energy, primary energy, CO2 emissions, and economic growth. Overall, the findings suggest that countries should increase investments in both human capital and renewable energy to enhance air quality in the Asia-Pacific region.

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Exploring the Influence of Human Capital on Environmental Degradation in Asian-Pacific Countries. The Role of Renewable Energy
Miguel Á. Tinoco
Francisco Venegas Martínez
Copyright Year