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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Face Mask Detection: An Application of Artificial Intelligence

Authors : Poonam Mittal, Ashlesha Gupta, Bhawani Sankar Panigrahi, Ruqqaiya Begum, Sanjay Kumar Sen

Published in: Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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COVID-19 has been announced as a new pandemic which has affected almost all the countries of the world. Millions of people have become sick and thousands have died due to the respiratory illness caused by the virus. The virus is known to spread when small droplets from nose or mouth of an infected person gets dissolved in air when he or she coughs or exhales or when a person touches a surface infected with virus. The governments all over the world are working on ways to curb the spread of this virus. Multidisciplinary researchers are working to find the best solutions in their own way. Out of the many solutions wearing surgical facemasks is being one of the best preventive measures to limit the spread of corona virus. These masks support filtration of air and adequate breathability. But the problem is that few people don’t use the masks regularly or occasionally due to various reasons like negligence and discomfort etc. This is one of the main causes of high spread of COVID. So, there is a strong need to detect people without mask at public places and to aware them. There are so many initiatives taken by government in this direction, but all have their limitation in one or the other way. So, there is a strong need of a digital solution to ensure that people comply with the government rules of wearing masks in public place sand to recognize unmasked faces on existing monitoring systems to maintain safety and security. Facial recognition systems were being used to identify faces using technology that includes hardware like video cameras. These systems work by combining AI based pattern recognition system along with biometrics to map facial features from an image and compare it with a database of known faces. This research content is also an initiative in this direction to optimize the results.

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Face Mask Detection: An Application of Artificial Intelligence
Poonam Mittal
Ashlesha Gupta
Bhawani Sankar Panigrahi
Ruqqaiya Begum
Sanjay Kumar Sen
Copyright Year

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