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18-11-2024 | Research

Fake News Detection in Large-Scale Social Network with Generalized Bayesian Classification

Authors: Wei Zhang, Ahmed Ibrahim Alzahrani, Mi Young Lee

Published in: Mobile Networks and Applications

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Fake news in large-scale social networks is relatively rare, resulting in poor detection performance of deep learning method without sufficient samples. Meantime, false information comes from various sources and forms in large-scale social networks, which increases the difficulty of detection by simple Bayesian decision. Therefore, a method for detecting fake news in large-scale social networks based on a generalized Bayesian classifier is proposed. By using web crawlers to collect news in social network from multiple platforms such as entertainment, education, and medical diseases, and employing the HITS (Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search) algorithm to analyze webpage links, the accuracy of webpage target data retrieval is improved. A network data cleaning function is utilized to remove redundant and cluttered data from social network. A multi-modal Transformer model is employed to extract fusion features of text and image from large-scale social network data. By optimizing the Bayesian classifier using a greedy selection algorithm, a generalized Bayesian classifier is obtained. The extracted features of fake news from social networks are used as inputs to the generalized Bayesian classifier to obtain the prior probability of fake news in social networks. Based on this prior probability, evidence factors that meet the conditions of fake news in large-scale social networks are obtained. By evaluating the numerical values of these evidence factors, the classification and detection of fake news in large-scale social networks are achieved. Experimental results show that the maximum KL divergence value of the proposed method is 0.01, and the maximum Gini coefficient value is 0.1, indicating excellent performance in information cleaning and feature extraction. The maximum number of false positive results is only one sample, demonstrating its ability to accurately detect Fake News in social networks.

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Fake News Detection in Large-Scale Social Network with Generalized Bayesian Classification
Wei Zhang
Ahmed Ibrahim Alzahrani
Mi Young Lee
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Mobile Networks and Applications
Print ISSN: 1383-469X
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8153