You have a few questions about Springer Professional? We have put together the answers to frequently asked questions.
How can I access full text documents?
The full text contents (books, magazines, book chapters, articles) are only accessible after purchasing a license. Through the login protection, we ensure that only licensed customers have access to the full text contents. If you would also like to be able to access the full text contents, contact us via
Will I have access to the entire contents of Springer magazines?
As a license holder, you have full access to all the magazines contained in your license package (business, technology or business+technology). Find an overview here.
How can I register at Springer Professional and which benefits will I receive?
You can register free of charge and then have the opportunity to save contents in your personal archive and order as many subject-specific newsletters as you want. Register directly here: Registration
I have registered but I am unable to log in. How should I proceed?
You might have deactivated the accept cookies feature in your browser settings or you may have set your security settings too high. Recommendation when using Internet Explorer: Medium standard level. These settings can be altered in the Explorer under Extras > Internet options > Security or Data privacy
How do I receive my password?
You can set your own password in the online registration form. Using your password and user name, you can now register at
How can I change my password?
To change your password, please log in under the following link. After successful login, you can change your password under "My Springer" and "My profile" or directly using the following link. Please enter your new password in the "New password" field, and repeat your new password in the "Repeat new password” field. After changing your password, confirmation will be sent to the email address saved in your user profile. Please activate the new password via the link in the confirmation mail.
I have forgotten my password. How can I receive a new one?
If you have forgotten your password, you can simply set a new password. Click the following link and enter your email address and the new password. After changing your password, confirmation will be sent to your email address. Please activate the new password via the link in the confirmation mail.
I do not have my password or user name to hand. How can I receive them?
Please send an email to, making sure the subject line is "Lost my access data". A phone number is also a good idea in case we need to contact you.
Who should I contact if I can no longer log in / register?
Send an email to or call us on +49 (0)800 777 3055. We look forward to helping you.
How can I change my user name?
Sorry, but you cannot change your user name online. Please email the new user name you want to create to
Where can I view / change my personal data?
To view your user data after login, click the following link. You can then access your profile data with the details you entered during the registration process. The mask is in so-called editing mode and changes can be made. After carrying out the desired changes, please click "Submit" or "Cancel". Note that your changes will only become effective after clicking "Submit".
Where can I find the General Terms and Conditions?
The General Terms and Conditions can be opened using the link at the bottom of the page or accessed directly here: General Terms and Conditions
You were unable to find an answer to your question?
You might find a suitable answer on the overview page. If not, feel free to contact our Customer Service team. Please always quote your customer or subscription number and your email address (= user name). You can email us at or call us directly on +49 (0) 6221 345 4303. We look forward to helping you.