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Features of paramagnetism of a two-dimensional electron gas depending on concentration and temperature

Authors: P. J. Baymatov, B. T. Abdulazizov, O. M. Yunusov, Kh. N. Juraev, A. A. Saydaliev

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 6/2024

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The numerical and analytical results of a study on the paramagnetism of a two-dimensional electron gas depending on concentration and temperature are presented. The dependence of spin susceptibility on the width of the quantum well, temperature, concentration, and chemical potential at the resonance points and away from it was analyzed. The susceptibility was analyzed in the model of an ideal gas with a parabolic spectrum and a quantum well of infinite depth. The numerical results of the susceptibility calculation will be presented in graphs for different temperatures, quantum well widths, and concentrations.

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Features of paramagnetism of a two-dimensional electron gas depending on concentration and temperature
P. J. Baymatov
B. T. Abdulazizov
O. M. Yunusov
Kh. N. Juraev
A. A. Saydaliev
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 6/2024
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137