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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Filling Method Implementing Hydraulic Lime for Reusing Mine Tailings and Improve Sustainability in Conventional Peruvian Underground Mines

Authors : Pablo Altamirano-Soto, Jorge Supa-Urrutia, Humbero Pehovaz-Alvarez, Carlos Raymundo, Nestor Mamani-Macedo, Francisco Dominguez

Published in: Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Leadership

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Mining in Peru has existed for several decades, and for several years, there has been no proper environmental management of the impact of this activity on the environment and society in general, whether it be gas emissions, the presence of acidic water, or the generation of mining tailings. One of the most prominent examples involve mine tailings; these are by-products of mining processing plants and are stored in a dam known as a tailings dam. Like any extraction activity, mining generates large amounts of waste material that could become potential risks to the environment and society. Using hydraulic fills, the mine tailings contained in tailings dams could be reused. These fills seek to decrease the volume of stored tailings to prevent any future dam collapses, as observed in Brazil with the Vale mining company, where its tailings dam collapsed and caused more than 200 deaths.

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Filling Method Implementing Hydraulic Lime for Reusing Mine Tailings and Improve Sustainability in Conventional Peruvian Underground Mines
Pablo Altamirano-Soto
Jorge Supa-Urrutia
Humbero Pehovaz-Alvarez
Carlos Raymundo
Nestor Mamani-Macedo
Francisco Dominguez
Copyright Year

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