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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

7. Final Remarks

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The last chapter of this book attempts to sum up the debates of the previous chapters by advocating for a new definition of resilience for the heritage field, reaching out to the social and environmental domains. This chapter also explores some of the fresh ideas being explored in the field of economics, in particular, by adopting and rephrasing the definition of regional economic resilience, the author provokes a regenerative process of the heritage system, debating on the parameters of its co-evolution. Finally, the author introduces Preventive and Planned Conservation as an innovative strategy for the management of such a heritage system.

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go back to reference Della Torre S (2013) Planned conservation and local development processes: the key role of intellectual capital. In: Van Balen K, Vandesande A (eds) Reflections on preventive conservation, maintenance and monitoring. Acco, Leuven Della Torre S (2013) Planned conservation and local development processes: the key role of intellectual capital. In: Van Balen K, Vandesande A (eds) Reflections on preventive conservation, maintenance and monitoring. Acco, Leuven
go back to reference Della Torre S (2010) Conservation of built cultural heritage, laws enabling preventive approach: the case of Italy. In: Gustin M, Nypan T (eds) Cultural heritage and legal aspects in Europe, Koper Della Torre S (2010) Conservation of built cultural heritage, laws enabling preventive approach: the case of Italy. In: Gustin M, Nypan T (eds) Cultural heritage and legal aspects in Europe, Koper
go back to reference Martin RL, Sunley PJ (2020) Regional economic resilience: evolution and evaluation. In: Bristow G, Healy A (eds) Handbook on regional economic resilience. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham Martin RL, Sunley PJ (2020) Regional economic resilience: evolution and evaluation. In: Bristow G, Healy A (eds) Handbook on regional economic resilience. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham
go back to reference Rajabi M, Della Torre S (2020) The new challenges for conservation and management of HUWI, Ahmedabad, India. In: The architect and the city: EAAE-ARCC international conference & 2nd VIBRArch. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València Rajabi M, Della Torre S (2020) The new challenges for conservation and management of HUWI, Ahmedabad, India. In: The architect and the city: EAAE-ARCC international conference & 2nd VIBRArch. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València
Final Remarks
Mehrnaz Rajabi
Copyright Year