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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

First Order Piecewise Collocation Solution of Fredholm Integral Equation Second Type Using SOR Iteration

Authors : N. S. Mohamad, J. Sulaiman, A. Saudi, N. F. A. Zainal

Published in: Computational Science and Technology

Publisher: Springer Singapore

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We evaluate the first-order approximation solution piecewise by first-order polynomial collocation with Quadrature scheme on second-type Fredholm integral equations. This discretization derived the formulation to solve the first order piecewise approximation equation in which the linear system was built. The SOR method was described as a linear solver in which its formulation was constructed and applied in this study. In order to obtain the approximation solutions, the combination of SOR iterative method with the first-order piecewise polynomial by collocation with quadrature scheme has shown that performance of SOR method is superior than Jacobi method in terms of number of iterations and time of completion.

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First Order Piecewise Collocation Solution of Fredholm Integral Equation Second Type Using SOR Iteration
N. S. Mohamad
J. Sulaiman
A. Saudi
N. F. A. Zainal
Copyright Year
Springer Singapore

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