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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

4. Fostering Youth Entrepreneurship in STEM Students for Industry 4.0 Era

Authors : L. Isasi-Sánchez, G. Castilla-Alcalá, F. A. Rivera-Riquelme, A. Durán-Heras

Published in: Industry 4.0: The Power of Data

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The present work is aimed to share the results of one of the initiatives that Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) has launched among those oriented to secondary and high school students, more precisely within Tecnocamp activities. It is more than obvious that entrepreneurship offers a feasible and successful way to economic growth and personal fulfillment. In the same way, during the last two decades it has clearly highlighted by most of the researchers that one of the most important things to do in order to develop the entrepreneurial spirit into the citizens is to academically train the citizens from the very early stages at the school and also to develop their business-oriented and entrepreneurial skills.

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Fostering Youth Entrepreneurship in STEM Students for Industry 4.0 Era
L. Isasi-Sánchez
G. Castilla-Alcalá
F. A. Rivera-Riquelme
A. Durán-Heras
Copyright Year

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