Issue 4/2024
Content (7 Articles)
- Open Access
Proof of the Theory-to-Practice Gap in Deep Learning via Sampling Complexity bounds for Neural Network Approximation Spaces
Philipp Grohs, Felix Voigtlaender
- Open Access
Multi-index Sequential Monte Carlo Ratio Estimators for Bayesian Inverse problems
Ajay Jasra, Kody J. H. Law, Neil Walton, Shangda Yang
- Open Access
Bias in the Representative Volume Element method: Periodize the Ensemble Instead of Its Realizations
Nicolas Clozeau, Marc Josien, Felix Otto, Qiang Xu
- Open Access
High-Order Lohner-Type Algorithm for Rigorous Computation of Poincaré Maps in Systems of Delay Differential Equations with Several Delays
Robert Szczelina, Piotr Zgliczyński