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2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

From Case Law to Ratio Decidendi

Authors : Josef Valvoda, Oliver Ray

Published in: New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This paper is concerned with the task of automatically identifying legally binding principles, known as ratio decidendi or just ratio, from transcripts of court judgements, also called case law or just cases. After briefly reviewing the relevant definitions and previous work in the area, we present a novel system for automatically extracting ratio from cases using a combination of natural language processing and machine learning. Our approach is based on the hypothesis that the ratio of a given case can be reliably obtained by identifying statements of legal principles in paragraphs that are cited by subsequent cases. Our method differs from related recent work by extracting principles from the text of the cited paragraphs (in the given case) as opposed to the text of the citing paragraphs (in a subsequent case). We conduct our own independent small-scale annotation study which reveals that this seemingly subtle shift of focus substantially increases reliability of finding the ratio. Then, by building on previous work in the automatic detection of legal principles and cross citations, we present a fully automated system that successfully identifies the ratio (in our study) with an accuracy of 72%.

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Westlaw UK, Online legal research from Sweet & Maxwell, http://​westlaw.​co.​uk.
Unfortunately, we could not access the data corpus used by Saravanan et al. since the links in their paper are out of service and we have not received a reply to our email asking for additional information. Thus, we could only inspect the examples in the paper itself.
\(\kappa \) is the predominant agreement measure that corrects raw agreement P(A) for agreement by chance P(E) [3, 8]:
$$\begin{aligned} \textstyle \kappa = \frac{P(A) - P(E)}{1-P(E)}. \end{aligned}$$
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From Case Law to Ratio Decidendi
Josef Valvoda
Oliver Ray
Copyright Year

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