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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

5. From Women in Development to Women Entrepreneurs of the Countryside Community of Michiquillay: A Step to Social Inclusion

Authors : Giovanna Valdivia Málaga, Beiker Malca Perez, Isabel B. Franco

Published in: Gender Aspects of Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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The participation of women in the development of people has been and is essential despite the fact that, due to their vulnerability and importance, they have not been considered in their real dimension by the social policies adopted in Latin America and particularly in Peru. This situation has been reflected in special circumstances in the poorest women in our country, that is, rural or peasant women, who have a dynamic of truly associative cultural interaction. Despite this structural situation, cases such as the “Entrepreneurial Women of the Rural Community of Michiquillay” open a door to social inclusion from the self-generation of new goals, values, and identities for rural women, based on perseverance and to take advantage of current economic opportunities. We can say that in our country the dimension of change applied from women, by women, and for women is possible considering the self-knowledge of their cultural and social identity and definition of development for themselves, their families, and their locality.

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From Women in Development to Women Entrepreneurs of the Countryside Community of Michiquillay: A Step to Social Inclusion
Giovanna Valdivia Málaga
Beiker Malca Perez
Isabel B. Franco
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore