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2023 | Book

Frontiers in Product Innovation Strategy

Predicting Market Outcomes and Creating Winning Products for a People and Planet-friendly Future


About this book

The book shares a cutting-edge approach to innovation strategies and product innovation by showing how advances in management and science can now help explain and predict innovation response and market outcomes across industries (health, cosmetics, food, leisure, insurance, automotive). A comprehensive review of the latest breakthroughs - from behavioral science to sustainable practices - sheds a new light on product innovation management allowing brands and teams to develop daring yet low-risk innovation strategies, while increasing their positive impact on people and planet.

Readers will particularly benefit from the self-paced online video-based learning modules provided with the innovative Book+Course format.

Table of Contents

1. Delivering People and Planet-Friendly Innovations
In this chapter, we show with The Body Shop case that it is possible to create people and planet-friendly innovations. We evaluate different futures with Futurium, measure the impact of innovation strategies, and start by reviewing some ethical dilemmas with the casual gaming case.
Diana Derval
2. Unveiling Hidden Opportunities
In this chapter, we see through the peanut butter and social media cases how users’ behavior is driven by their physiological makeup and deep needs. We study the mechanisms involved in extreme innovations in health tech and propose a way to unveil hidden opportunities.
Diana Derval
3. Locating Profitable Markets
In this chapter, we see with the consumer electronics and smart laundry cases how to locate profitable markets in terms of target customers and geographical areas, and we make the most of thinking by analogy and biomimicry to design inspired innovations.
Diana Derval
4. Defining Sustainable Growth Strategies
In this chapter, we investigate through the bikes and the idol cases, sustainable growth strategies that customers will want to adhere to. We explore with centenarian brand De L’Europe and hidden champion Kärcher how to harness Adaptive Management in order to achieve the best results.
Diana Derval
5. Optimizing the Product Portfolio
In this chapter, we find out with the cosmetics and the cleaning cases how to develop an optimal product portfolio—diverse enough to meet various customers’ demands yet lean. With the VELUX story, we look into sustainable investment and ESG.
Diana Derval
6. Building a Visionary Innovation Roadmap
In this chapter, we see with the automotive and insurance cases how sensory profiles influence customers’ priorities and how to use this knowledge to form more accurate adoption predictions. The MAIF story teaches us how to unlearn innovation and with Xiaomi, we see how to build a solid innovation roadmap.
Diana Derval
Frontiers in Product Innovation Strategy
Diana Derval
Copyright Year
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