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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

8. Further Applications

Authors : Manfred Klell, Helmut Eichlseder, Alexander Trattner

Published in: Hydrogen in Automotive Engineering

Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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The applications of hydrogen in energy technology and automotive engineering discussed so far are still developing and currently account for only a few percent of global use. About half of the hydrogen currently used in industry is employed in the Haber-Bosch process to produce ammonia, which is used as a feedstock for the production of nitrogen fertilizer. Another quarter of hydrogen is used in refinery processes to process petroleum, particularly for hydrofining and hydrocracking. Hydrogen and carbon monoxide (synthesis gas) also form the raw materials for the production of liquid fuels from gas, biomass or coal using the Fischer-Tropsch process and for the production of methanol. Furthermore, hydrogen is used in the semiconductor industry, analytical chemistry, food chemistry, water treatment and metallurgy. Finally, hydrogen plays an important role in metabolic processes. Table 8.1 provides an overview of these further applications of hydrogen.

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go back to reference Luef, R., Heher, P., Hepp, C., Schaffer, K., Sporer, H., Eichlseder, H.: Konzeption und Entwicklung eines Wasserstoff-/Benzin-Motors für den Rennsport. Beitrag zur 8. Tagung Gasfahrzeuge, Stuttgart, 22.– 23. Oktober 2013 Luef, R., Heher, P., Hepp, C., Schaffer, K., Sporer, H., Eichlseder, H.: Konzeption und Entwicklung eines Wasserstoff-/Benzin-Motors für den Rennsport. Beitrag zur 8. Tagung Gasfahrzeuge, Stuttgart, 22.– 23. Oktober 2013
go back to reference Herdin, G.; Gruber, F.; Klausner, J.; Robitschko, R.: Use of hydrogen and hydrogen mixtures in gas engines. Beitrag zum 1st International Symposium on Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engines. VKM-THD Mitteilungen, Heft 88, Institut für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen und Thermodynamik der Technischen Universität Graz, 2006 Herdin, G.; Gruber, F.; Klausner, J.; Robitschko, R.: Use of hydrogen and hydrogen mixtures in gas engines. Beitrag zum 1st International Symposium on Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engines. VKM-THD Mitteilungen, Heft 88, Institut für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen und Thermodynamik der Technischen Universität Graz, 2006
Further Applications
Manfred Klell
Helmut Eichlseder
Alexander Trattner
Copyright Year