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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Further Discussion: On the Basic Classification of Social Science—Decisional Science and Descriptive Science

Author : Zhiqiang Zhang

Published in: Fundamental Problems and Solutions in Finance

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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This appendix makes some comparative explorations around social science, such as the similarities and differences between science and art, natural science and social science. The exploration focuses on the classification of social science. It turns out that social science is responsible to answer two kinds of questions: “what is it like” and “how should we do”. “it” here represents anything to be concerned, such as an industry, a company, a stock, a city, a group of people, etc. Disciplines that are responsible to answer the first kind of questions belongs to descriptive science, such as history, statistics, accounting, etc.; disciplines that are responsible to answer the second kind of questions belongs to decisional science, such as economics, finance, operation management, etc. The decisional science aims at providing guidance to the decision or behavior of organizations or people, which is a unique branch in social science. Relatively, natural science has only descriptive part, and cannot guide the action of various natural objects. This unique feature of social science is often neglected hence leads to a series of biases and errors in the research method and evaluation standard, etc., as well as the stagnation of some disciplines, such as finance, etc.

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It should be emphasized here that on the premise of the same level of detail, because the evaluation models with different levels of detail should be regarded as different in function, that is, the models with different functions are naturally irreplaceable.
Einstein won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1921, but when the Nobel Prize Committee announced the prize, it stressed that this was not because Einstein discovered the theory of relativity, but because of his theory of photoelectric effect. It can be said that Einstein could not win the Nobel Prize by relying on the theory of relativity alone, because this scientific discovery was too significant, too innovative and too subversive to be accepted by the authorities of his time.
After decades of astronomical observation and research, Copernicus (1473 ~ 1543) speculated that the earth was not the center of the universe, wrote the theory of celestial bodies' motion, and put forward the "theory of Solar Center". But for fear of being punished by the Church (equivalent to the school representing geocentrism), Copernicus did not dare to make his discovery public until 1543, when he was dying. In more than half a century after the publication of the theory of celestial bodies, geocentric theory still occupied an absolute dominant position, and there were few supporters of Heliocentric theory. Scientists who believed in and spread heliocentric theory were also excluded and persecuted in various ways.
Qin Hui (1090–1155) was a famous prime minister in the early Southern Song Dynasty. According to historical records, Qin Hui betrayed the country for prosperity, mutilated loyal and good people, and executed patriotic general Yue Fei for "unnecessary" charges. For a long time, Qin Hui has been regarded as a traitor by the world. However, the evaluation of Qin Hui in history is also controversial.
Option pricing is the most important financial breakthrough in history. The Black Scholes model of option pricing has been perfectly confirmed by the binomial tree model in 1979. It is obviously too late to issue the Nobel Prize in 1997. Treyno's CAPM manuscript could not be published after several rounds. Unfortunately, these regrets in the development of science have not attracted enough attention, let alone relevant improvements.
Archimedes was an ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician, physicist and founder of static mechanics and hydrostatics from 287 to 212 BC. Archimedes' methodology contains the advanced research of "infinity" in mathematics and contains the thinking of calculus. He used the "approximation method" to calculate the sphere area, sphere volume, parabola and ellipse area. Archimedes, Gauss and Newton are listed as the three largest mathematicians in the world.
At present, the so-called big data is just one of thousands of sets of data applicable to the research of a certain problem, and as the data of the past, it is still a question how long it will remain valid in the future.
Note that computer application itself is not a progress in the relevant decisional science. On the contrary, to "solidify" the errors in the theory and understanding of some decisional science disciplines into computer software means that it is more difficult to correct the errors.
Further Discussion: On the Basic Classification of Social Science—Decisional Science and Descriptive Science
Zhiqiang Zhang
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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