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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Future Applications of Blockchain in Education Sector: A Semantic Review

Authors : Paresh Sajan Gharat, Gaurav Choudhary, Shishir Kumar Shandilya, Vikas Sihag

Published in: Mobile Internet Security

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Blockchain is a chain of blocks that are linked to each other via the Hash of the previous block. Digitalized Education sector has a lot of benefits for the student like providing one to one learning experience, flexibility in learning, etc. The Future Scope of the Education sector is vast, and new technology will be invented in the future for student’s benefit. But at the same time, Education Sector has been affected a lot due to digitalization. Security of data, the privacy of students, and working digitally are few challenges faced by the education sector. Education Sector has a pool of sensitive information for which hackers are looking. As sensitive information is stored in the traditional system they are considered to be less secure than Blockchain Technology. Forgery of a certificate, Grading assignments digitally becomes difficult, Copyright content is used for teaching students digitally, etc. are few common problems faced by the Education sector in the digital environment. Traditional systems are not capable of handling these problems as they are vulnerable to various security attacks. So, This research paper focuses on these issues and has contributed a theoretical Blockchain model to solve this problem. In this model, Verification of Accreditation and Certificate helps in solving forgery problems using smart contracts and digital signatures, which makes the work easy for recruiters to verify the certificate received from an accredited institution. Auto grading assignments make use of external AI-ML natural language processing model and smart contract to grade assignments automatically. The copyright checking model makes use of public blockchain for checking the copyrighted material and helps to monetize the copyrighted content used and then permits the rights to publish it in a private blockchain. These blockchain-based models will help in solving these issues.

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Future Applications of Blockchain in Education Sector: A Semantic Review
Paresh Sajan Gharat
Gaurav Choudhary
Shishir Kumar Shandilya
Vikas Sihag
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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