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2017 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Game-Based Learning: How to Make Math More Attractive by Using of Serious Game

Authors : Marián Hosťovecký, Martin Novák

Published in: Cybernetics and Mathematics Applications in Intelligent Systems

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The dynamics of change in the field of information technology open the doors to use of new methods of education. Communication bandwidth (networks), computers, laptops, tablets and mobiles (hardware) and new generation of operating systems, program languages and game engines (software) offer new possibilities. Devices and networks are still improved, getting faster and prices fall. These attributes started a new area: game-based learning. In our paper we discuss how to make math more attractive by serious game. Math is subject which is essential in many fields, including natural science, engineering, medicine etc. Generally, math is not very popular with pupils. Question is: how could we change it, but answer is actually not easy, but one of the possibilities is serious games for math. This is the reason why we have decided design and development a serious game focused on math - for reader’s attention and math word problems. A multiplatform game engine Unity 3D was used for development of the game and Blender’s tool for real time projects for simulations. We describe steps of design and development from graphical environment, design of the buildings to music and sounds.

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Game-Based Learning: How to Make Math More Attractive by Using of Serious Game
Marián Hosťovecký
Martin Novák
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