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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

6. German Development Cooperation in the Context of the Ukraine Conflict

Authors : Wolfgang Gieler, Meik Nowak

Published in: Understanding German Development Cooperation

Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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The German state development cooperation in the context of the Ukraine conflict is an increasingly relevant and multifaceted topic. The effects of the conflict on German development cooperation and the associated political and strategic decisions are examined. The challenges and opportunities that Germany faces in providing humanitarian aid, reconstruction and long-term development cooperation in Ukraine and the surrounding regions are analysed. Special attention is given to Germany’s diplomatic efforts to shape development cooperation with the aim of stabilising the region and promoting peace and security. The investigation is based on present political developments and the principles of German development cooperation in conflict and crisis areas. Finally, possible future scenarios are outlined, and recommendations for action for German development cooperation in the context of the Ukraine conflict are presented.

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German Development Cooperation in the Context of the Ukraine Conflict
Wolfgang Gieler
Meik Nowak
Copyright Year

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