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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

GIS as a Tool for Measuring the Centrality of Transportation Networks in Budapest City

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Analyzing the distribution of transportation networks connecting different areas of cities is one of the important topics in urban and transport planning. It helps in understanding the influence of the networks in the urban structure. GIS environment is an important aspect of the previously mentioned issue. With the help of this environment, the effect of transportation networks could be represented and visualized in a spatial context. This research aims to present GIS as a tool for applying the different measurements of city centrality through network analysis. This is presented by measuring degree centrality and applying the Multiple Centrality Assessments (MCA); closeness centrality, betweenness centrality, and straightness centrality, on the public transportation network of Budapest city. The measurements are applied after building the network and defining its nodes and edges in the GIS environment. Achieving these measurements in the GIS environment will help in the assessments of centrality levels among different urban areas in Budapest which is essential for understanding the effect of the transportation network on the city and improving its performance.

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GIS as a Tool for Measuring the Centrality of Transportation Networks in Budapest City
Ola Qasseer
Gábor Szalkai
Copyright Year

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