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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

7. GIS-Based Bivariate Statistical Model for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Along a Srinagar-Bandipora Highway, Kashmir Himalaya

Authors : Iftikhar Hussain Beigh, Mohmad Ashraf Ganaie, Syed Kaiser Bukhari, Shabir Ahmad

Published in: Natural Hazards and Risk Mitigation

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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The Srinagar-Bandipora highway is one of the historical roads of Kashmir Valley and has always remained a supportive lifeline for the people in this region. This road is particularly vulnerable to landslides due to extreme weather conditions, complex mountainous terrain, and anthropological activity. Because of this, there are always frequent traffic disruptions and a severe threat to ongoing traffic and all activities associated with the region's social and economic development. As a result, it is critical to identify and mitigate the region's landslide risk, which causes significant inconvenience and economic and human losses. In the current study, landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM) was performed utilizing a bivariate frequency ratio model (FRM) and a geographical information system (GIS) platform. Besides, the landslide inventory details were prepared from primary and secondary data sources. The landslide susceptibility map (LSM) was generated from landslide inventory data and fifteen landslide causative factors (CFs). Therefore, the frequency ratio model examined the link between landslide CFs and landslides. LSM divided the area into five susceptibility categories, viz., very high (20.17Km2), high (39.22Km2), medium (62.49Km2), low (76.87Km2), and very low (56.90Km2). Subsequently, the landslide susceptibility map was then evaluated and compared to the existing landslide inventory data using the area under the curve (AUC) method. Moreover, the LSM created will be helpful to various stakeholders, including planners, designers, engineers, and the local community, for the upcoming building and maintenance projects in the study region.

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GIS-Based Bivariate Statistical Model for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Along a Srinagar-Bandipora Highway, Kashmir Himalaya
Iftikhar Hussain Beigh
Mohmad Ashraf Ganaie
Syed Kaiser Bukhari
Shabir Ahmad
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Springer Nature Singapore