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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Glossary of Contemporary City Terms. A Critical Selection of Definitions in the Literature Towards the City of People 4.0

Authors : Federico Diodato, Andrea Fanfoni, Emanuele Ortolan

Published in: Smart City: A Critical Assessment

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The drafting of a Glossary of Terms for the Contemporary City stems from the need, perceived by the Scientific Committee of the Smart City 4.0 Sustainable Lab, to collect, catalogue and critically analyse the vast semantic spectrum of concepts and terms used in the literature to describe city development, organisation and control models from the start of the 21st century to the present day.

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Glossary of Contemporary City Terms. A Critical Selection of Definitions in the Literature Towards the City of People 4.0
Federico Diodato
Andrea Fanfoni
Emanuele Ortolan
Copyright Year