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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Google Trends to Investigate the Degree of Global Interest Related to Indoor Location Detection

Authors : Nirmalya Thakur, Chia Y. Han

Published in: Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The scientific contribution of this paper is a Big Data-centric study, conducted using Google Trends, that involved analysis of the global, country-level, and state-level search trends related to indoor localization by mining relevant Google Search data from 2015–2020. There are three novel findings of this study. First, the current global search interest in indoor localization is higher than the average, median, and mode values of search interests (since 2015), and it is projected to keep increasing in the near future. Second, Singapore predominantly leads all other countries in terms of user interests in indoor localization. It is followed by Canada and United States, which are followed by the other countries. Third, the state-level analysis for the United States shows that Massachusetts leads all other states in terms of user interests in indoor localization. It is followed by New Jersey and Michigan, which are followed by the other states.

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Google Trends to Investigate the Degree of Global Interest Related to Indoor Location Detection
Nirmalya Thakur
Chia Y. Han
Copyright Year

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