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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

38. Green Aspects on Value Stream Mapping

Authors : Estefania Pilaloa-Morales, Pilar I. Vidal-Carreras

Published in: Industry 4.0: The Power of Data

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The use of Lean methodology today has expanded from the industrial sector to other very diverse sectors. A key tool for optimizing processes is Value Stream Mapping (VSM) as it allows for identifying activities that do not add value to production. Due to its great applicability, the VSM could consider not only industrial aspects to generate a global vision with a social, economic, and environmental focus of the activities of the industry. This work focuses on the environmental approach of the VSM, conducting a bibliographic review on this topic. When conducting the analysis, it is identified that few cases consider these aspects mentioned. There are companies that carry out a current VSM analyzing their energy systems, present improvement solutions, and propose a future VSM to avoid waste. There are companies that also include social and economic variables to take greater advantage of the benefits of Energy Value Stream Mapping (EVSM). It was concluded that VSM with an environmental focus can and should be implemented to improve the sustainability of productive activities. In addition, by using performance indicators, activities that are measurable can be established and constantly propose improvement actions. For future research, the concept of the sustainable circular economy could be introduced, emphasizing the reduction to the minimum of waste in the sanitary process and giving value to the current resources, materials and products used, proposing significant improvements.

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Green Aspects on Value Stream Mapping
Estefania Pilaloa-Morales
Pilar I. Vidal-Carreras
Copyright Year

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