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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

8. Green Technology Innovation System as a Chinese Solution to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Author : Daniel Lemus-Delgado

Published in: Transition to a Safe Anthropocene in the Asia-Pacific

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This chapter analyzes the Chinese government’s plan to establish a green technology innovation system. According to the Ministry of Science and Technology, the ultimate goal of this strategy is to help China achieve its net-zero greenhouse gas emission targets. This environmental action plan seeks high-tech solutions to remedy complex environmental challenges. The program aims to tackle air, soil, and groundwater pollution, reduce waste, and protect ecosystems. To finance the plan, China is expected to encourage enterprises and financial institutions to provide more support for innovative green technologies. The system will also be backed by tax incentives and new “green technology banks”. Based on the theoretical approach of regional innovation systems and considering the historical trajectory of science and technology projects in China, this chapter provides a first approach to the scope and limits of the program. In conclusion, we refer to the conditions necessary to make this program successful, considering the national and international scenario.

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Green Technology Innovation System as a Chinese Solution to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Daniel Lemus-Delgado
Copyright Year