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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Greening the Deal: Climate Change Adaption Through Circularity and Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Authors : Maria Paula Mendes, Inês Flores Colen

Published in: Towards Low and Positive Energy Buildings

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Europe has undergone rapid warming in recent years, resulting in frequent and intense heat waves during the past two decades. This warming trend in Europe has resulted in prolonged periods of extreme heat and amplified the atmosphere’s ability to retain water vapor. Consequently, the growing capability of moisture retention leads to more intense rainfall and storms, increasing the likelihood of more frequent flood events. These interlinked events shed light on the intricate relationship between human activities, the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG), and the dynamics of climate change, revealing its complex nature. Considering these developments, the costs associated with adapting various structures, ranging from residential homes to educational institutions and healthcare facilities, alongside fortifying flood defenses, exhibit an upward trajectory across all climate scenarios when contrasted with scenarios void of climate change impacts (with high confidence). Additionally, this accelerated warming trend has implications for the durability of materials such as wood, plastic, stone, paint, and renders, which are susceptible to degradation caused by solar radiation and hygrothermal conditions. Circular economy and energy efficiency in buildings are essential for achieving sustainability and climate mitigation. The circular economy model promotes a more responsible use of natural resources and their associated environmental impacts, with long-term strategies that preserve buildings and formulate resilient solutions with proper maintenance. Likewise, energy efficiency in the construction sector can reduce energy consumption and emissions, achieving a good balance between passive and active solutions. For example, in the EU-27, in 2021, 27% of GHG emissions came from the energy sector, 23% from industry, 14% from the residential and commercial sectors, and 3% from waste. This chapter explains the impact of climate change in Europe and the potential effects on the built environment, demonstrating how circularity and energy efficiency in buildings serve as strategies for achieving climate change adaptation and increasing sustainability. To provide a clearer understanding of these principles, the text also presents several illustrative examples.

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Greening the Deal: Climate Change Adaption Through Circularity and Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Maria Paula Mendes
Inês Flores Colen
Copyright Year