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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

8. Haier Europe: The Challenge of Implementing RDHY in a Multinational Environment

Author : Umberto Lago

Published in: Global Business Model Shift

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Even though it is a subsidiary of Haier, the implementation of RDHY in Haier Europe is far from straightforward. Haier Europe is a complex mix of regional companies, languages, norms, habits, and cultures. Implementing a business model developed in China in such a heterogeneous environment is not a task for the faint-hearted. This chapter explains how Haier Europe has carefully introduced RDHY in such a delicate environment, translating Haier’s values into an understandable language.
The chapter also details how Haier Europe has redefined its organizational architecture to embrace the micro-enterprises structure of its parent company.
Furthermore, the chapter addresses the challenge of transforming employees into entrepreneurs in a European context, where employees traditionally are not accustomed to taking on entrepreneurial responsibilities and place a high value on their leisure and family time.
Haier Europe also integrated this entrepreneurial attitude into its incentive structures, aligning rewards with the principles of RDHY. This meant designing incentive systems that recognize and reward innovation, accountability, and performance, while also respecting employees’ need for work-life balance.

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The acquisition of Candy-Hoover has proven to be advantageous for Haier Europe for several reasons. Firstly, it served as a strategic move to enhance Haier’s product portfolio. Candy, as a part of the acquisition, brought a range of built-in products that complemented Haier’s existing offerings. These products filled the gaps in Haier’s product range, ensuring a more comprehensive and diversified selection for customers. Furthermore, the addition of Hoover vacuum cleaners, which were previously absent from Haier’s lineup, further expanded the company’s product offerings and strengthened its competitive position in the market.
Moreover, Candy’s expertise and leadership in connected products and connectivity played a crucial role in the decision to acquire the company. Haier recognizes the increasing importance of connected ecosystems and the Internet of Things (IoT) in the home appliance industry. By integrating Candy’s knowledge and capabilities in this area, Haier Europe gains a significant advantage in transforming traditional appliances into interconnected systems. This strategic alignment positions Haier Europe to meet the evolving demands of customers who seek integrated and smart home solutions.
Haier Europe: The Challenge of Implementing RDHY in a Multinational Environment
Umberto Lago
Copyright Year

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