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2023 | Book

High-Voltage Equipment of Power Systems

Design, Principles of Operation, Testing, Monitoring and Diagnostics

Authors: Vasily Ya. Ushakov, Alexey V. Mytnikov, Ikromjon U. Rakhmonov

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

Book Series : Power Systems


About this book

This textbook covers in detail the problem of improving the reliability and service life of high-voltage equipment in electric power systems, mainly through testing, monitoring, and diagnostics, which support the timely repair or replacement of equipment. The main focus is on high-voltage power and instrument transformers, switching devices, powerful rotating electric machines, capacitors, bushings, and power cables.

The design, purpose, and principle of operation for each respective type of equipment, as well as adverse factors that can lead to defects (primarily in insulation) – and, as a result, to accelerated aging (wear) and failure – are considered.

In turn, the scientific and technological foundations and practical application of testing, monitoring, and diagnostics to determine the technical condition of equipment are described. Considerable attention is paid to new and promising methods for testing under voltage (without interrupting operation) – such as pulsed flaw detection and dielectric spectroscopy. In addition, the authors propose a number of helpful physical concepts and technical solutions.

The book stands out in terms of the breadth and depth of the consideration of the problem, which reflects recent trends and concepts for the development of the electric power industry, and its convincing demonstration of the capabilities of traditional and advanced methods in relation to the main equipment used in electric power systems.

The textbook is intended for undergraduate and graduate students in the field of high-voltage technologies for electric power systems. It also benefits engineering personnel working with electric power systems and in the electrical industry.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Past, Present and Future of Electric Power Systems (Brief Excursion)
This chapter introduces the history of transmission lines and their integration into power systems. The existing energy systems and plans to create new ones are briefly described. Given the vast scale of the UESR and the pioneering efforts of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) to create the world’s first 1150 kV AC and 1500 kV DC transmission lines, the development of the Russian/USSR energy industry has received somewhat more attention.
Vasily Ya. Ushakov, Alexey V. Mytnikov, Ikromjon U. Rakhmonov
Chapter 2. Characteristics of the Main Elements of Electric Power Systems
This chapter provides a description of main function, design and principle of operation of main high-voltage equipment, such as: power and instrument transformers, cables, whole spectrum of commutation facilities including circuit breakers, disconnectors, circuit switchers and switchgear, main types of power capacitors. Also, rotating machine function, bushing design, whole range of cable constructions and their insulation structure development are considered.
Vasily Ya. Ushakov, Alexey V. Mytnikov, Ikromjon U. Rakhmonov
Chapter 3. Insulating Materials and Media Used in High-Voltage Elements of Electric Power Systems
The severity of the consequences from the impact on high-voltage equipment of numerous factors (Chapter 4) to a decisive extent depends on the type and quality of the dielectric materials and media used in it. It is quite natural that most methods for control the condition of equipment are based on monitoring the initial quality of insulation and changes in its characteristics during operation. The main characteristics of all insulating materials and media—solid, liquid, gaseous and vacuum—are considered. The requirements for electrical insulation are formulated taking into account the modes of operation and external conditions of operation of the equipment.
Vasily Ya. Ushakov, Alexey V. Mytnikov, Ikromjon U. Rakhmonov
Chapter 4. Effects on Equipment Causing Insulation Aging and Failure
This chapter considers the influence on high-voltage equipment (primarily on its insulation) of the main factors that cause its aging and failure. All factors are divided into two groups. The first group includes factors that are constantly acting or easily predictable, the second—those that can be attributed to the consequences of force majeure. The materials of this chapter will allow students to understand what factors and what consequences of their impact are objects of control and diagnostics of power equipment, as well as measures that need to be taken to prevent them or reduce their negative consequences.
Vasily Ya. Ushakov, Alexey V. Mytnikov, Ikromjon U. Rakhmonov
Chapter 5. Defects in High Voltage Equipment: Types and Content of Tests
The word defect refers to each individual non-compliance of equipment with regulatory requirements. Defects in equipment can occur at different points in its life cycle: (1) during manufacture, installation, configuration (identified as a result of testing), (2) during operation (identified as a result of monitoring), (3) during testing and repair (identified as a result of diagnosing). They are varied and their consequences can also be different. This chapter briefly discusses the various stages of development of these defects and in sufficient detail—the types and methods of testing for their diagnosis.
Vasily Ya. Ushakov, Alexey V. Mytnikov, Ikromjon U. Rakhmonov
Chapter 6. Non-electrical Diagnostic Methods
Already from the titles of the paragraphs of this chapter, we can conclude that the progress of recent decades in the field of non-destructive testing of a wide range of products and materials has given power engineers a large number of various reliable methods and means of monitoring the state of high-voltage equipment of electric power systems. Some of them have been used by power engineers for many decades and continue to improve them, others have been developed relatively recently, and specialists strive to fully use their potential. For the diagnostics of oil-filled equipment, the leading place belongs to the methods of chemical control of the state of insulating liquids, to control the state of the insulating structures of overhead power lines and open substations—methods based on the registration of electromagnetic radiation of various frequency ranges.
Vasily Ya. Ushakov, Alexey V. Mytnikov, Ikromjon U. Rakhmonov
Chapter 7. Traditional Electrical Diagnostic Methods
As in Chap. 6, the titles of paragraphs in this chapter reflect a large arsenal of methods and tools used to diagnose high-voltage equipment, only in this case—electrical. Seven of them are discussed in this chapter, the eighth most modern (defectography method) is discussed in more detail in Chap. 8.
The sensitivity of many electrical methods is higher than that of non-electric ones, so they are more widely used at present. For example, they allow one to detect the largest number of PD characteristics and use them to estimate the condition of transformers and some other high voltage devices. Most electrical methods do not need the object under analysis to be supplied by electrical voltage being much higher than the rated operating values, so they are gentle on the insulation of electrical equipment. However, many of these diagnostic methods require the measuring instruments to be in contact with the object being diagnosed, which does not contribute to simplicity and convenience. Due to the high sensitivity of the methods, it is necessary to take a series of measures and use special equipment for debugging induced interference.
Vasily Ya. Ushakov, Alexey V. Mytnikov, Ikromjon U. Rakhmonov
Chapter 8. Diagnostics of High-Voltage Equipment by Defectography Methods
This chapter is devoted to monitoring the condition of transformers, rotating machines and cables by the pulse method. The historical milestones in the development of the impulse method are described. The stages of modification of the technology of impulse diagnostics are given. The origin of frequency analysis as a development of impulse diagnostics is considered. New approaches to impulse diagnostics are explained. The possibilities of this method are illustrated by examples from the practice of diagnosing power transformers and rotating machines.
A significant part of the chapter is devoted to new diagnostic methods, which are still poorly covered in the literature. For this reason, the material is presented in sufficient detail.
Vasily Ya. Ushakov, Alexey V. Mytnikov, Ikromjon U. Rakhmonov
Chapter 9. Dielectric Spectroscopy Technology
This chapter is devoted to advanced insulation diagnostics technology based on specific response from dielectric medium. Physical basic of dielectric spectroscopy is considered in detail. Dielectric response in time and frequency domain processes are explained. Three main dielectric spectroscopy methods—recovery voltage method, polarization and depolarization currents measurement and frequency domain technology are described.
Vasily Ya. Ushakov, Alexey V. Mytnikov, Ikromjon U. Rakhmonov
Chapter 10. Diagnostics of High Voltage Equipment
This chapter is devoted to the technology of diagnosing the main high-voltage equipment of power systems. As follows from the materials of the previous chapters, modern electric power industry uses high-voltage devices that differ in purpose, design, materials used, the spectrum and intensity of influencing factors, the degree of damage when they fail, etc. This requires a high level of qualification from a power engineer / electrician to select an adequate method and instruments for diagnostics, processing and interpretation of the results obtained. As a rule, the complexity of these tasks is proportional to the complexity of the apparatus itself. The authors considered it appropriate to arrange the materials of this chapter according to the principle “from more complex to less complex” as it was done in Chapter 2 (power transformers—high-voltage switching equipment—rotating machines, etc.).
Vasily Ya. Ushakov, Alexey V. Mytnikov, Ikromjon U. Rakhmonov
Chapter 11. Diagnostics of High-Voltage Cable Lines
This chapter describes various types of cable testing, such as insulation resistance test, rectified current surge test, power frequency surge test. The definition of the active resistance of conductors and the electrical performance of the conductors is given. Diagnostics and monitoring of power cable lines are described in detail. All stages of the creation and operation of high-voltage cable lines (CL)—cable production, route selection for laying, laying, diagnostics, repair and replacement are quite labour-consuming and expensive. The reasons for this should be mentioned as: (a) high quality requirements for electrical insulation, sealing and protection against mechanical damage, (b) large extent, (c) deep in the ground, (d) significant probability of mechanical damage in case of uncoordinated extraneous earthworks within the track. All of the above applies to the cable lines of marine laying. (Only their mechanical damage is of a different nature—mainly trawling).
Vasily Ya. Ushakov, Alexey V. Mytnikov, Ikromjon U. Rakhmonov
Chapter 12. Diagnostics of Insulating Structures of Overhead Power Lines and Outdoor Substations
This chapter is devoted to the insulation structures of overhead power lines and outdoor substations. Various designs of insulators for overhead power lines are considered. Analyzed outdoor substations and features of their working conditions, in particular, lightning surges, other natural adverse factors (rain, fog, snow, dust storms, ice, etc.).
Vasily Ya. Ushakov, Alexey V. Mytnikov, Ikromjon U. Rakhmonov
High-Voltage Equipment of Power Systems
Vasily Ya. Ushakov
Alexey V. Mytnikov
Ikromjon U. Rakhmonov
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Electronic ISBN
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