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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

19. Highly Effective Magnetic Silica-Chitosan Hybrid for Sulfate Ion Adsorption

Authors : Sukamto, Yuichi Kamiya, Bambang Rusdiarso, Nuryono

Published in: Sustainable Development of Water and Environment

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The contamination of sulfate ions leading to corrosion is a severe problem in the aquatic environment, and adsorption is an effective method to remove this contaminant. In this study, magnetic silica-chitosan hybrids (MP@SiO2/CPTMS/Chi) prepared by the sol-gel method have been used for adsorbing sulfate ions from an aqueous solution. The maximum adsorption capacity (Qmax) of the adsorbent for sulfates was 108.50 mg g−1 at pH 3. The MP@SiO2/CPTMS/Chi can be easily magnetically separated (completely separated less than 5 min) from the solution after the adsorption process. High adsorption capacity and easily magnetic separation make MP@SiO2/CPTMS/Chi a prospective candidate adsorbent for removing sulfates from wastewater.

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Highly Effective Magnetic Silica-Chitosan Hybrid for Sulfate Ion Adsorption
Yuichi Kamiya
Bambang Rusdiarso
Copyright Year