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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

HMAC and “Secure Preferences”: Revisiting Chromium-Based Browsers Security

Authors : Pablo Picazo-Sanchez, Gerardo Schneider, Andrei Sabelfeld

Published in: Cryptology and Network Security

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Google disabled years ago the possibility to freely modify some internal configuration parameters, so options like silently (un)install browser extensions, changing the home page or the search engine were banned. This capability was as simple as adding/removing some lines from a plain text file called Secure Preferences file automatically created by Chromium the first time it was launched. Concretely, Google introduced a security mechanism based on a cryptographic algorithm named Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) to avoid users and applications other than the browser modifying the Secure Preferences file. This paper demonstrates that it is possible to perform browser hijacking, browser extension fingerprinting, and remote code execution attacks as well as silent browser extensions (un)installation by coding a platform-independent proof-of-concept changeware that exploits the HMAC, allowing for free modification of the Secure Preferences file. Last but not least, we analyze the security of the four most important Chromium-based browsers: Brave, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Opera, concluding that all of them suffer from the same security pitfall.

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HMAC and “Secure Preferences”: Revisiting Chromium-Based Browsers Security
Pablo Picazo-Sanchez
Gerardo Schneider
Andrei Sabelfeld
Copyright Year

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