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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Holism and Reductionism in Determining Environmental Impacts

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A major mistake in repair and reconstruction projects is to treat the analyzed elements as homogeneous and subject to one-dimensional impacts. For the analyzed case, there is a need for a different analysis depending on the elements’s location. Each isolated case requires a different approach to other technologies and a different repair methodology to achieve the necessary durability. A deeper analysis of the past state, historical changes, the current state, and the expected durability makes it possible to determine additional conditions for future operation, giving the possibility of long-term durability and use of the entire facility. The analytical and research approach to determining the phenomena occurring in the designed, operated, repaired, and rebuilt facilities must be broad to set all the factors determining decisions on the design, construction, repair, reconstruction, and reconstruction of facilities. The traditional treatment of facilities without a detailed analysis of place and time is unjustified. Illustratively, unjustified in most cases is the typical: “There is a hole; it needs to be plugged”. We holistically determine what the hole is, where it came from, what effect it had on the neighborhood, what effects it had if left, what and how to fix it, and what long-term effects the repair will have on the hole and its surroundings. When examining and analyzing the elements, it is important to remember that the whole is most important. A holistic view, bringing together holistic and individual impacts, makes it easier to see the non-obvious effects caused by them.

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go back to reference Szkuta T., Wesołowska M.: Are mineral toppings of asphalt roofing sufficient to protect flat roofs and roofing felt alone? In: Serrat C., Casas J.R., Gibert V. (eds.) XV International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components DBMC 2020, Barcelona, Catalonia (2020). Szkuta T., Wesołowska M.: Are mineral toppings of asphalt roofing sufficient to protect flat roofs and roofing felt alone? In: Serrat C., Casas J.R., Gibert V. (eds.) XV International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components DBMC 2020, Barcelona, Catalonia (2020). https://​doi.​org/​10.​23967/​dbmc.​2020.​166
Holism and Reductionism in Determining Environmental Impacts
Tomasz Szkuta
Copyright Year