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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Low-density Concrete: An Overview of Four Technologies

Authors : Ferdinand Oswald, Djordje Nikolic, Richard Henry

Published in: Integrating Resiliency into Future Sustainable Cities

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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By using low-density aggregates in concrete, reductions in weight and density are achievable, as well as the carbon footprint of concrete, therefore. The study found that improved thermal performances are also possible with all four of the technologies: Pumice aggregate concrete, Infra-Lightweight concrete, Ultra-lightweight concrete, and functionally graded concrete. This paper aims to overview four distinct technologies in the realm of low-density concrete, comparing their characteristics, benefits, and challenges. This paper serves as an analysis of the contemporary homogeneous and inhomogeneous low-density concrete technologies that succeed in exhibiting the aforementioned characteristics. This research provides a novel comparative analysis, bridging the gap between conventional and low-density concrete technologies. The advantages of the technologies that are highlighted in this analysis show innovative advancement in the field of concrete technologies, as well as the possibility of concrete being used on a larger variety of site and environmental conditions across the world.

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Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Low-density Concrete: An Overview of Four Technologies
Ferdinand Oswald
Djordje Nikolic
Richard Henry
Copyright Year