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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

How Does Multi-layer Reinforcement Affect the Performance of Geogrid Stabilised Pavement on Soft Subgrades?

Authors : Amir Shahkolahi, Chaminda Gallage

Published in: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG) 2024, Volume 8

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Most studies and research projects in the world including past and on-going studies in Australia have been conducted on geosynthetic reinforced sections where the geosynthetic reinforcement was placed between the soft subgrade and the granular material. Very little experimental work has been conducted to document the mechanism of multiple layers of geogrid in the aggregate section. Most empirical and mechanistic-empirical design methods are also based on a single layer of geosynthetics reinforcement at the subgrade level. A critical need lies in the area of multiple layers of geogrid in the granular layer. This paper presents the mechanism of multi-layer geogrid reinforcement and its effect on the geogrid reinforced flexible pavements. Results from large-scale laboratory dynamic plate load tests as well as a full-scale field trial will be presented to compare the performance of double-layer geogrid reinforced granular pavement with single-layer reinforced and unreinforced sections.

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How Does Multi-layer Reinforcement Affect the Performance of Geogrid Stabilised Pavement on Soft Subgrades?
Amir Shahkolahi
Chaminda Gallage
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore