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2019 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Hydro-Wind Balance in Daily Electricity Markets: A Case-Study

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The European Union has been one of the major drivers of the development of renewable energy. In Portugal, renewable generation is subject to specific licensing requirements and benefits from a feed-in-tariff. This paper pays special attention to wind and hydroelectric technologies. Typically, wind farms produce more energy during the night (off-peak periods), when the demand is lower, contributing to a reduction of the market price. Hydroelectric power plants use off-peak periods to pump water, and produce energy in the periods of a 24 hour day where the prices of electricity are higher (peak periods). This paper presents a case study aiming at analyzing the behavior of hydroelectric power producers—that is, in power systems with large renewable generation, producers typically use the periods of the day with lower energy prices for pumping, and the other periods (with higher energy prices) to produce electricity. The simulations are performed using MATREM (for Multi-Agent Trading in Electricity Markets). The results confirm (and rebate) the typical behavior of hydroelectric power producers.

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Hydro-Wind Balance in Daily Electricity Markets: A Case-Study
Hugo Algarvio
Fernando Lopes
João Santana
Copyright Year

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