The convergence of Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud, and Big Data, creates new challenges and opportunities for data analytics. Human- and machine-created data is being aggregated continuously, transforming our economy and society. To face these challenges, companies call upon expert analysts and consultants to assist them.
In this paper, we present I-BiDaaS, a European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation project that proposes a self-service solution for Big Data analytics. The solution will be transformative for companies that aim to extract knowledge from big data. It will empower their employees with the right knowledge, and give the true decision-makers the insights they need to make the right decisions. It will shift the power balance within an organization, increase efficiency, reduce costs, improve employee empowerment, and increase profitability. I-BiDaaS aims to empower users to easily utilize and interact with Big Data technologies, by designing, building, and demonstrating, a unified solution that significantly increases the speed of data analysis while coping with the rate of data asset growth, and facilitates cross-domain data-flow towards a thriving data-driven EU economy.