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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Identifying and Analyzing Operations Management Strategic Problems in Home Care

Authors : A. Armadàs, A. Lusa, A García-Villoria

Published in: Organizational Engineering in Industry 4.0

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Home care encompasses medical-related care performed by health professionals at patients' homes and non-medical care (cleaning, bed-lifting, cooking, etc.) delivered to people who cannot accomplish these actions autonomously at their own homes. The operations management literature has studied home care mainly as a variant of the well-known vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW). Yet, other strategic, longer term problems related to operations management have not received as much attention. We explore the (still) limited literature on home care operations management strategic problems and give guidance for potential research.

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Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. The rest of the European countries are not included because either the 2011 or the 2015 figure is not available.
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Identifying and Analyzing Operations Management Strategic Problems in Home Care
A. Armadàs
A. Lusa
A García-Villoria
Copyright Year

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