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01-06-2024 | Original Paper

Identifying and analyzing the distribution of sliding surfaces in rock slopes using total displacement contour maps

Authors: Shigui Huang, Longqiang Han, Chao Wang, Shunchuan Wu

Published in: Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment | Issue 6/2024

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In the evaluation of slope stability, the position and shape of the sliding surface or slide face (SF) directly control the scale of the landslide and determine the location of the supporting structure. However, it is difficult to obtain the effective shape and position of the SF based on the strength reduction finite element method (SRFEM). This paper proposes an SF recognition method based on the total displacement contour map (TDCM). This method uses image segmentation technology and connected domain identification to process the TDCM to obtain a binary image of the sliding block and then uses the alpha shapes algorithm to extract the sliding block boundary in the binary image of the sliding block. After the slope boundary part being removed, the final SF is obtained. The proposed method and the other two methods are applied to 8 different homogeneous or jointed rock slopes, The conclusion through comparative analysis is that the proposed method is better than the other two methods for five of the slopes and has the same efficiency or better than one of the two methods for the remaining three slopes. Based on this method, the influence of various parameters on the distribution of SF and its availability in complex environment are analyzed. In addition, the Method S-P combining the slice method and this method is proposed, and its availability and computational efficiency on the 3D slope are discussed.

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Identifying and analyzing the distribution of sliding surfaces in rock slopes using total displacement contour maps
Shigui Huang
Longqiang Han
Chao Wang
Shunchuan Wu
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment / Issue 6/2024
Print ISSN: 1435-9529
Electronic ISSN: 1435-9537

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