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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Impact of Acceleration and Angle in the Real Environment on Cybersickness

Authors : Zhang Yanxiang, Wang yuxiao

Published in: Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The inconsistency between visually perceived movement and real movement is an important reason for cybersickness. Previous research on cybersickness mostly focused on creating simulation motion platforms and rarely conducted experiments in real environments. This study explored the impact of different acceleration states (acceleration > 0; acceleration = 0; acceleration < 0) of high-speed railways and the angles between the direction users faced and the direction trains ran (angle = 0°; angle = 90°; angle = 180°) on cybersickness. We arranged for participants to use VR devices under nine different motion states and measured their motion sickness levels. The results showed that the degree of cybersickness in the acceleration and deceleration state was much higher than that in the uniform speed state and had statistical significance (p < 0.001). The degree of cybersickness when the direction users faced was inconsistent with the direction trains ran was higher than when the directions were consistent.

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Impact of Acceleration and Angle in the Real Environment on Cybersickness
Zhang Yanxiang
Wang yuxiao
Copyright Year

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