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Impact of alloying on the bandgap energy in nano-sized ternary semiconducting compounds

Author: Monika Goyal

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 1/2024

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The variation in bandgap energy with decreased size and varying composition of alloys has attracted the attention of researchers over the past few decades. In the present paper, a simple unified model is presented to study the impact of alloying on the bandgap energy of ternary semiconducting compounds with varying composition. The energy bandgap is determined for semiconducting homogeneous nano-compounds with zinc-blende and wurtzite structure, including ZnxCd1−xS, ZnxCd1−xSe, Cd(S)x(Se)1−x, and Cd(Se)x(Te)1−x. The model does not involve any adjustable parameters. The study provides insight into the impact of size, dimension, and composition on the energy bandgap of the material and the possibility of tuning the optical properties of semiconducting compounds by alloying, as alloyed compounds could be more stable and have higher luminescence than single semiconducting nanocrystal with a narrower energy bandgap. The model predictions are in good accord with the available experimental and simulated data.

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Impact of alloying on the bandgap energy in nano-sized ternary semiconducting compounds
Monika Goyal
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 1/2024
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137