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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Impact of European Union Projects on Airspace Operations Management

Authors : J. A. Calvo-Fresno, J. Morcillo-Bellido, B. Rodrigo-Moya

Published in: Organizational Engineering in Industry 4.0

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The Single European Sky initiative was launched in 2000. Since then, the performance of the operations of the air navigation system in Europe has shown a clear tendency to improve. It is recognized that the use of EU funds in the related air navigation projects has a positive effect on this performance improvement. Nevertheless, the relation between the use of EU funds and the performance of the European air navigation system has not been clearly determined yet, despite the numerous studies done on this topic. This paper presents the result of applying a data envelopment analysis methodology (DEA) to assess the relative efficiency of the use of EU funds in research, development, innovation, and implementation projects aiming at improving safety, capacity, and the environmental impact of the European air navigation system. The results of this analysis confirm a positive evolution of the performance of the air navigation system in the last 15 years. Nevertheless, it is inferred that the efficiency of the use of EU funds in air navigation projects can be further improved.

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Impact of European Union Projects on Airspace Operations Management
J. A. Calvo-Fresno
J. Morcillo-Bellido
B. Rodrigo-Moya
Copyright Year

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