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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Implementation of a Cloud Services Management Framework

Authors : Hong Thai Tran, George Feuerlicht

Published in: Advances in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Rapid growth of various types of cloud services is creating new opportunities for innovative enterprise applications. As a result, enterprise applications are increasingly reliant on externally provided cloud services. It can be argued that traditional systems development methods and tools are not adequate in the context of cloud services and that new methods and frameworks that support these methods are needed for management of lifecycle of cloud services. In this paper, we describe the implementation of a Service Consumer Framework (SCF) – a framework for the management of design-time and runtime activities throughout the lifecycle of enterprise applications that use externally provided cloud services. The SCF framework has been evaluated during the implementation of a large-scale project and is being continuously improved to incorporate additional types of cloud services.

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Implementation of a Cloud Services Management Framework
Hong Thai Tran
George Feuerlicht
Copyright Year

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