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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

11. Implications of Water Security on Indigenous Women—Case from Buffer Zones of Nepal

Authors : Anuska Joshi, Bhagawan Raj Dahal, Sunjeep Pun, Prakash Sigdel, Shashanka Sharma, Mahesh Basnet, Hem Sagar Baral

Published in: Gender Aspects of Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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There is still gender disparity when it comes to facing impacts from a lack of water security, where women from rural areas can be disadvantaged. In the rural areas of Nepal, women are responsible for the collection and management of water, for household chores and agricultural activities. They also have to often venture far and for hours at a time each day to collect water, due to lack of water availability.
This research focuses on water security issues and its implication to women in the selected indigenous communities from the buffer zones of Banke National Park and Shuklaphanta National Park of Nepal. Through literature review and focused group discussions, this research aims to showcase current scenario of water availability, challenges associated with it and the intricate connection of women and water security. The study sheds light on the fact that women face hardship owing to lack of water availability, which in turn has implications on their daily lives and social relationships.

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Implications of Water Security on Indigenous Women—Case from Buffer Zones of Nepal
Anuska Joshi
Bhagawan Raj Dahal
Sunjeep Pun
Prakash Sigdel
Shashanka Sharma
Mahesh Basnet
Hem Sagar Baral
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore